Fully secure systems don't exist today and they won't exist in the future.
-Adi Shamir

Our research interest is cryptography. We are a group of Ph.D. students and Project scholars from the Department of Mathematics, IIT Kharagpur. Our goal is to come out with new ideas with every discussion we make here.
Our Supervisors
Sourav Mukhopadhyay
Dept. of Mathematics
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
India – 721302
Webpage: http://www.facweb.iitkgp.ac.in/~sourav/
Ratna Dutta
Associate Professor
Dept. of Mathematics
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
India – 721302
past TALKs
22nd June, 2020
Towards Quantum Resistant Cryptosystems from Supersingular Elliptic Curve Isogenies
Speaker: Surbhi
Towards Quantum Resistant Cryptosystems from Supersingular Elliptic Curve Isogenies
Speaker: Surbhi
25th June, 2020
On the security of supersingular isogeny cryptosystems
Speaker: Surbhi
On the security of supersingular isogeny cryptosystems
Authors: Steven D. Galbraith, Christophe Petit, Barak Shani and Yan Bo Ti
Speaker: Surbhi
30th June, 2020
CSIDH: An efficient post-quantum commutative group action
Speaker: Surbhi
CSIDH: An efficient post-quantum commutative group action
Authors: Wouter Castryck, Tanja Lange, Chloe Martindale, Lorenz Panny and Joost Renes
Speaker: Surbhi
1st July, 2020
Optimal Broadcast Encryption from Pairings and LWE (EUROCRYPT-2020)-Part 2
Speaker: Subhranil
Optimal Broadcast Encryption from Pairings and LWE (EUROCRYPT-2020)-Part 2
Authors: Shweta Agrawal and Shota Yamada
Speaker: Subhranil
2nd July, 2020
Algorithms for CSIDH, the continuation of the previous presentation
Speaker: Surbhi
Algorithms for CSIDH, the continuation of the previous presentation
Authors: Wouter Castryck, Tanja Lange, Chloe Martindale, Lorenz Panny and Joost Renes
Speaker: Surbhi
8th July, 2020
New Code-Based Privacy-Preserving Cryptographic Constructions-Part 2
Speaker: Jayashree
New Code-Based Privacy-Preserving Cryptographic Constructions-Part 2
Authors:Khoa Nguyen, Hanh Tang, Huaxiong Wang, and Neng Zeng
Speaker: Jayashree
7th July, 2020
New Code-Based Privacy-Preserving Cryptographic Constructions-Part 1
Speaker: Jayashree
New Code-Based Privacy-Preserving Cryptographic Constructions-Part 1
Authors: Khoa Nguyen, Hanh Tang, Huaxiong Wang, and Neng Zeng
Speaker: Jayashree
3rd July, 2020
Verifiable Homomorphic Secret Sharing
Speaker: Anushree
Verifiable Homomorphic Secret Sharing
Authors: Georgia Tsaloli, Bei Liang, Aikaterini Mitrokotsa
Speaker: Anushree
9th July, 2020
Threshold Trapdoor function and their applications-Part 1
Speaker: Anushree
Threshold Trapdoor function and their applications-Part 1
Authors: Binbin Tu, Yu Chen, Xueli Wang
Speaker: Anushree
10th July, 2020
SeaSign: Compact isogeny signatures from class group actions-Part 1
Speaker: Surbhi
SeaSign: Compact isogeny signatures from class group actions-Part 1
Authors: Luca De Feo, Steven D. Galbraith
Speaker: Surbhi
12th July, 2020
SeaSign: Compact isogeny signatures from class group actions-Part 2
Speaker: Surbhi
SeaSign: Compact isogeny signatures from class group actions-Part 2
Authors: Luca De Feo, Steven D. Galbraith
Speaker: Surbhi
14th July, 2020
Candidate iO From Homomorphic Encryption Schemes (EUROCRYPT 2020)-Part 1
Speaker: Tapas
Candidate iO From Homomorphic Encryption Schemes (EUROCRYPT 2020)-Part 1
Authors: Zvika Brakerski, Nico D¨ottling, Sanjam Garg, and Giulio Malavolta
Speaker: Tapas
14th July, 2020
Candidate iO From Homomorphic Encryption Schemes (EUROCRYPT 2020)-Part 2
Speaker: Tapas
Candidate iO From Homomorphic Encryption Schemes (EUROCRYPT 2020)-Part 2
Authors: Zvika Brakerski, Nico D¨ottling, Sanjam Garg, and Giulio Malavolta
Speaker: Tapas
15th July, 2020
Threshold Trapdoor function and their applications-Part 2
Speaker: Anushree
Threshold Trapdoor function and their applications-Part 2
Authors: Binbin Tu, Yu Chen, Xueli Wang
Speaker: Anushree
Authors: Jintai Ding, Zheng Zhang, Joshua Deaton, Kurt Schmidt, FNU Vishakha
Speaker: Prithwi
Authors: Henry Corrigan-Gibbs and Dmitry Kogan
Speaker: Ramprasad
Authors: Henry Corrigan-Gibbs and Dmitry Kogan
Speaker: Ramprasad
22th July, 2020
New Code-Based Privacy-Preserving Cryptographic Constructions-Part 3
Speaker: Jayashree
New Code-Based Privacy-Preserving Cryptographic Constructions-Part 3
Authors:Khoa Nguyen, Hanh Tang, Huaxiong Wang, and Neng Zeng
Speaker: Jayashree
23rd July, 2020
Towards ABE for RAM from LWE with sub-linear decryption and More (Asiacrypt- 2019)-Part 1
Speaker: Subhranil
Towards ABE for RAM from LWE with sub-linear decryption and More (Asiacrypt- 2019)-Part 1
Authors:Prabhajan Ananth, Xiong Fan, Elaine Shi
Speaker: Subhranil
24rd July, 2020
Towards ABE for RAM from LWE with sub-linear decryption and More (Asiacrypt- 2019)-Part 2
Speaker: Subhranil
Towards ABE for RAM from LWE with sub-linear decryption and More (Asiacrypt- 2019)-Part 2
Authors:Prabhajan Ananth, Xiong Fan, Elaine Shi
Speaker: Subhranil
28th July, 2020
Speaker: Surbhi
Authors:Ward Beullens and Thorsten Kleinjung and Frederik Vercauteren
Speaker: Surbhi
Authors:Elette Boyle and Niv Gilboa and Yuval Ishai
Speaker: Amit
Authors:Chris Peikert, Brent Waters
Speaker: Anushree
Authors:Luca De Feo and Michael Meyer
Speaker: Surbhi
14th August, 2020
FE for Inner Products and Its Application to Decentralized ABE (PKC19)-Part 1
Speaker: Subhranil
FE for Inner Products and Its Application to Decentralized ABE (PKC19)-Part 1
Authors:Zhedong Wang, Xiong Fan, and Feng-Hao Liu
Speaker: Subhranil
16th August, 2020
FE for Inner Products and Its Application to Decentralized ABE (PKC19)-Part 2
Speaker: Subhranil
FE for Inner Products and Its Application to Decentralized ABE (PKC19)-Part 2
Authors:Zhedong Wang, Xiong Fan, and Feng-Hao Liu
Speaker: Subhranil
19th September, 2020
Speaker: Pratima
Authors: Benoit Libert, San Ling, Khoa Nguyen and Huaxiong Wang
Speaker: Pratima
23rd September, 2020
Speaker: Surbhi
Authors: Cong Peng, Jianhua Chen, Lu Zhou, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Debiao He